1155 Red Fox Road | East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
The Township Finances are a collective effort of the various departments, elected officials, and appointed officials.
The budget process consists of routine work sessions throughout the late summer and fall, with final passage by the Board of Supervisors before the end of the calendar year. The Township Budget consists of the General Fund & Highway Fund. The General Fund includes administration, public works, zoning & building codes, parks & recreation, and other basic services. The Highway Fund includes state funds utilized for public works equipment and maintenance.
2024 Budget
The Board of Supervisors adopted the 2024 Budget at their meeting on Wednesday, December 20, 2023.
The Township Treasurer is primarily responsible for the approvals of disbursement of funds and the overall financial wellbeing of the Township. In order to maintain best practices, the Treasurer also serves as a check on the Finance Director. Accordingly, the Treasurer is bonded for their honest discharge of their duties.
Frank Cefali, C.P.A.

Cefali & Associates, P.C.
290 Learn Rd
Tannersville, PA 18372
Phone: (570) 629-2525
Fax: (570) 629-2602

The Finance Director coordinates, administers, and supervises all financial areas to include budget preparation and administration, cash management, revenue collection, and data processing. Additionally, the Finance Director is responsible for the continuous administration, development, and implementation of policies and procedures for carrying out the budgetary program.
Bonnie Winters
Finance Director

1155 Red Fox Rd East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Phone: (570) 223-5082 x 5
Fax: (570) 223-5086

The Second Class Township code creates the elected office of Tax Collector. The term is for four years and duties include billing and collection of real estate taxes for the Township. By agreement, the Tax Collector also collects the County and School District real estate taxes. The millage rate for Smithfield Township is approved by the Board of Supervisors at the conclusion of the budget process.
Sharon J. Gerberich
Tax Collector (term ending 2026)

3017 Valhalla Drive North East Stroudsburg, PA 18301
Phone: (570) 424-8969
Fax: (570) 424-0369

Municipal & School Real Estate Tax Rates: 2024
Current Millage Rates:
Smithfield Township: 1.96 mills
Bill Date 3/1/2024. Discount Period 3/1/2024 through 4/30/2024. Base Period 5/1/2024 through 6/30/2024. Penalty Period begins 7/1/2024.
Fire: .550 mills
Bill Date 3/1/2024. Discount Period 3/1/2024 through 4/30/2024. Base Period 5/1/2024 through 6/30/2024. Penalty Period begins 7/1/2024.
EMS: .30 mills
Bill Date 3/1/2024. Discount Period 3/1/2024 through 4/30/2024. Base Period 5/1/2024 through 6/30/2024. Penalty Period begins 7/1/2024.
Monroe County: 3.9773 mills
Bill Date 3/1/2024. Discount Period 3/1/2024 through 4/30/2024. Base Period 5/1/2024 through 6/30/2024. Penalty Period begins 7/1/2024.
Library System: 0.185914 mills
Bill Date 3/1/2024. Discount Period 3/1/2024 through 4/30/2024. Base Period 5/1/2024 through 6/30/2024. Penalty Period begins 7/1/2024.
East Stroudsburg Area School District: 31.05 mills
Bill Date 8/1/2024. Discount Period 8/1/2024 through 9/30/2024. Base Period 10/1/2024 through 11/30/2024. Penalty Period begins 12/1/2024.
Earned Income & Local Services Taxes

The Earned Income Tax is levied on 1% of the gross earnings of individuals working or living in Smithfield and 1% of the net profits of businesses operating in the Township. The Local Services tax is $52 per year and is imposed on individuals working in Smithfield. Both taxes are collected by Berkheimer Tax Administration.

Local Services Tax: $52.00 annually
Earned Income Tax: 1% of gross income (individuals)
1% of net profits (businesses)

For more information on the Earned Income & Local Services Taxes, contact Berkheimer Tax Administration.

50 North Seventh Street, Bangor, PA 18013
Phone: (800) 360-8989
Fax: (610) 588-5765

Budget Archives
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Audit Archives
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