1155 Red Fox Road | East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

JPSPA Sketch Plan (Sheetz)

The Township is dedicating this page to the sketch plan for a land development plan. This page will serve as the primary source of public documents utilized by this project. Documents will be made available in a timely fashion upon submission, introduction in a meeting, or upon delivery to the Township by professionals or outside agencies.

The Sketch Plan proposes a land development project on the corner of SR 209 and SR 447, on 5.84 acres, Parcels and The sketch plan includes a gas station (proposed Sheetz), a fast-food type restaurant with a drive through, and two retail buildlings.

If you would like to join the mailing list to receive updates for this project, please email Township Manager Julia Heilakka at julia@smithfieldtownship.com.

All public hearings or meetings are streamed via YouTube and are accessible via Zoom. In-person attendance is also welcome.

Useful Links

  1. Board of Supervisors meeting info & agendas
  2. Join Board of Supervisors Meetings on Zoom
  3. Planning Commission meeting info & agendas
  4. Join Planning Commission Meetings on Zoom
  5. Stream Township Meetings on YouTube

Application Documents


Engineer Reviews & Responses