October News from Smithfield
Municipal Center Closed October 14th
The Municipal Center will be closed Monday, October 14th. It will reopen for regular hours on Tuesday, October 15th.
Fire Prevention Week in Smithfield
Fire Prevention Week is October 6th through 12th this year. It is important to take time, even once per year, to review your fire escape plan at your home or office. Follow these tips from the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) and be safe:
- Install smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each separate sleeping area (like a hallway), and on each level (including the basement) of the home.
- Test smoke alarms at least once a month by pushing the test button.
- Replace all smoke alarms when they are 10 years old or stop responding when tested.
Our local firefighters will be participating in a variety of fire prevention activities, including Community Fire Prevention Night. Held at JT Lambert Intermediate, 2000 Milford Rd in East Stroudsburg, the event will take place on October 8th at 6:30 p.m.
Bushkill Emergency Corps Gala This Month
The 5th Annual Bushkill Emergency Corps Gala will be held on October 26, 2024, at Shawnee on Delaware. Enjoy an evening of cocktails, dinner, dancing, a floor show, and a silent auction. Early bird tickets are $60, with group discounts available. Contact Debbie Kulick at deborahkulick@gmail.com for reservations.
Trunk or Treat & Fall Fest Is Almost Here!
We are excited for the return of Smithfield Township’s Trunk or Treat and the launch of Fall Fest! This free event features fun for everyone and will be a wonderful way to spend a fall afternoon.
It is not too late to sign up to host a trunk — please click below and do so.
Right to Know Request Form Updated
The Pennsylvania Office of Open Records has updated the standard Right to Know Request form. Accordingly, we placed it on our website for your use.
Learn more about the Right to Know process and download the updated form, log onto our website. Select the “Resources” tab and click on “Right to Know Requests.”
Habitat for Humanity ReStore Opens in Smithfield
Earlier this year, Monroe County Habitat for Humanity moved their offices into Smithfield Township. In their expansion, they transitioned from their warehouse to a full ReStore at their new location.
Supervisor Chair Jacob Pride presented a proclamation congratulating Habitat for Humanity on behalf of the Township. Proceeds from ReStore sales go toward creating, promoting, and preserving home affordability in Monroe County. The ReStore is located at 2610 Milford Rd, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301.
ICYMI: Smithfield’s Apiary Restoration Complete
In Case You Missed It: Starting next year, Waterfront Park will offer designated spaces for honey bee colonies. If you’re unable to keep bees on your property, this is a great opportunity. Supported by a mini grant from Monroe County, the program features an electrified, protected, fenced-in area near the community garden to encourage and empower residents to keep honey bees. Bee-friendly flowers and shrubs have also been planted around Waterfront Park to support the local bee population. Stay tuned for more details coming next year!
In the meantime, we’re excited to share that the Township will be overwintering two live honey bee colonies, painted by volunteers as part of a previous grant. Please feel free to observe them—carefully and from a distance!
Rivers Edge Bike Park Survey Now Open!
The Rivers Edge Bike Park is located at 123 River Road in Smithfield Township (between the Minisink Hotel and Minisink Park) and is maintained by both Smithfield and Middle Smithfield Townships. The existing park consists of a bike pump track, disc golf course, and natural trails throughout.
Smithfield and Middle Smithfield Townships received a grant to develop a Master Plan for future development of the park. Part of that Master Plan includes surveying the public. Please complete the below survey to aid in the
development of the Master Plan.
Make Your Voice Heard at the Ballot Box
Election Day November 5th
This year, the following offices are on the ballot:
- President & Vice President of the United States
- United States Senator
- Representative in Congress, 8th Congressional District
- Attorney General of Pennsylvania
- Auditor General of Pennsylvania
- Treasurer of Pennsylvania
- State Representative, 189th Legislative District
The deadline to register to vote in time for the 2024 general election is October 21st. The deadline to apply for a mail-in ballot is October 29th at 5 p.m.
Voted mail-in ballots must be received by the Office of Elections & Voter Registration by 8 p.m. on Election Day. There are seven dropboxes where you may submit your voted ballot. Polling locations are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
For more election information, call the Monroe County Office of Elections & Voter Registration at 570.517.3165. Sample ballots will be available there and on Smithfield Township’s Voting page.
Unless noted otherwise, all meetings are scheduled to occur at the Smithfield Township Municipal Center, 1155 Red Fox Rd, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301.
Board of Supervisors
Tuesday, October 8th at 6 p.m.
Tuesday, October 22nd at 6 p.m.
Planning Commission
Thursday, October 10th at 7 p.m.
Board of Supervisors & Planning Commission Joint Session – Signage
Thursday, October 17th at 7 p.m.
Environmental Advisory Council
Tuesday, October 15th at 7 p.m.