Trunk or Treat
Smithfield Township Municipal Center: October 22, 2021
Come enjoy some extra holiday fun! Smithfield Township will be hosting a trunk or treat event on October 22nd from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the municipal center. To participate as a vehicle decorator, please pre-register by October 10th here. Vehicle decorators are encouraged to set up at 5:00 p.m. and candy will be provided for free upon arrival. During the event, we will require social distancing and masks are strongly encouraged. |
Trick or Treating
October 31, 2021
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Throughout Smithfield Township |
Leaf Collection Program
October 18 – November 19, 2021
Smithfield Township’s Leaf Collection Program is conducted for five weeks from mid-October to mid-November. Once an area has received its leaf collection, it is required that the resident to remove any residual leaf piles.
Do not rake twigs, branches, walnuts, sticks, rocks, bottles, garden debris, etc. with the leaves: such items cause equipment to breakdown.
Guidelines for bulk leaf piles:
- All leaves to be collected must be placed at the shoulder, off the road. Avoid raking leaves onto pavement, crosswalks, fire hydrants, decorative plantings, catch basins, or stormwater ditches, which could cause drainage issues during rain.
- Bags and rigid containers of leaves will not be collected. No exceptions!
- The leaf pile may extend the length of the property.
- Do not mix limbs, brush, and other debris in the leaf piles. This may result in damage to equipment and injuries to employees.
- Adverse weather conditions may cause delays on posted leaf collection dates.
- State regulations prohibit the collection of leaves mixed with regular trash.
- Township employees and equipment are not permitted to enter private property to remove leaves.
- Motorists should be cautious on local roads during leaf collection time.
Landscapers and Garden Services: It is illegal to dump loads of leaves on Township streets. Any contractor caught dumping leaves will be subject to a fine for illegal dumping on Township right-of-way.
Residents are encouraged to mulch and/or compost leaves.
Local Matters: Statewide Appellate Courts
By Jacob Pride
In our last edition, we discussed local offices from County Treasurer down to Township Auditor. Not only are those offices on the ballot, but so is a portion of the Pennsylvania judiciary. The Unified Judicial System of Pennsylvania is comprised of several levels. On the ballot this year are seats on the Supreme Court (1), Superior Court (1), and the Commonwealth Court (2). These courts are collectively known as appellate courts, where appeals of lower court decisions are heard.
Individuals elected to these seats serve ten-year terms, which are renewable in retention elections. They must retire on the last day of the calendar year in which they turn 75. Members of the Commonwealth and Superior Courts are referred to as judges, while judges on the Supreme Court are referred to as justices. Each court holds their own responsibilities. For the purposes of this article, only the judicial offices elected this year in Smithfield Township will be discussed. The local judiciary will be featured at a later date.
The Commonwealth Court hears suits filed by and against the Commonwealth, as well as appeals of local government and state regulatory decisions. The latter type of case is typically first heard in the Court of Common Pleas. The Commonwealth Court meets in panels of three but occasionally hears cases with all judges (en banc) or a single judge. There are seven members of this court.
The Superior Court hears appeals of all criminal and most civil cases, including family law matters. Those cases are generally appeals originating from the Court of Common Pleas. The Superior Court meets in panels of three but occasionally hears cases with nine judges (considered en banc) or a single judge. There are fifteen members of this court. Generally, cases that the Superior Court decides are not taken up on appeal.
The Supreme Court is the court of final appeal in all matters in Pennsylvania unless the U.S. Supreme Court grants certiorari. Certiorari is Latin for “to inform,” meaning the Court seeks the legal record of a case from a lower court. The Supreme Court is comprised of seven justices and has a discretionary docket, which permits the Court to select which cases it hears.
To learn more about the Pennsylvania judiciary, visit https://www.pacourts.us/courts.
Your Vote Counts – Vote November 2nd
The 2021 General Election is just 26 days away – do not miss your chance to have your voice heard. You may vote in person at your polling place, via Mail-in Ballot (without excuse), or Absentee Ballot. This year, voters are asked to elect a Supreme Court justice, one Superior Court judge, two Commonwealth Court judges, a County Treasurer, a County Coroner, five School Board directors, a Township Supervisor, a Township Tax Collector, and a Township Auditor, among other municipal positions.
Mail-In Ballots must be received by the Monroe County Office of Elections by 8 p.m. on Election Day (November 2). Dropboxes are available – for dropbox hours, click here.
Sample ballots:
Smithfield One
Smithfield Two
Smithfield Three
Smithfield Four
To locate your polling place, click here and visit Pennsylvania Voter Services.
To check your registration status or find your polling place, click here.
To request an Absentee or Mail-In Ballot, click here. |
The Smithfield Open Space Review Board
Needs Feedback from Local Property Owners
The Water Quality, Forest, and Wildlife Habitat Fund can be used to acquire land, development rights and/or conservation easements in Smithfield Township in order to:
- Protect drinking water supplies.
- Protect water quality in lakes, rivers, and streams.
- Protect forests and wildlife habitats.
- Protect wetlands that provide flood protection.
If you are interested in learning more about protecting your property for future generations or if you know of a property that you think should be protected, they want to hear from you! Please contact:
Robert Lovenheim
Smithfield Township
Louise Troutman
Pocono Heritage Land Trust
570-424-1514 |
Trash & Recycling Collection
According to Smithfield Township’s Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance (No. 217), it is required that all residents use the services of an authorized collector for waste collection. Recycling, too, is mandatory under this ordinance in Smithfield Township. The township itself does not provide residential or commercial trash or recycling collection — however, there are many private haulers to choose from through The Monroe County Waste Authority. You can find a list of public haulers in Monroe County on The Waste Authority’s website.
Residents and commercial establishments must keep all recyclables separate, mixing waste or leaf debris for collection, removal, or disposal is called contamination and prevents authorized waste collectors to remit them to recycling facilities. Make sure to check with your hauler for what can and cannot be recycled. Again, it is mandatory to have a recycling program through Ordinance 217.
If you would prefer to drop-off recyclables, the Monroe County Municipal Waste Management Authority operates two recycling drop-off sites in the county. Residents may drop off their recyclables at one of two sites:
- DCNR in Pocono Township: 2174A PA-611, Swiftwater, PA 18370
- Military Road Recycling Site in Stroud Township: 1110 Military Road, Stroudsburg, PA 18360
For more information on hours of operation, please, click here to visit the Monroe County Municipal Waste Authority website.
For a list of acceptable and unacceptable items, please click here.
Do your part and recycle; it’s the law! |