Leaf Collection Program
October 18 – November 19, 2021
Smithfield Township’s Leaf Collection Program is conducted for five weeks from mid-October to mid-November. Once an area has received its leaf collection, it is required that the resident to remove any residual leaf piles.
Do not rake twigs, branches, walnuts, sticks, rocks, bottles, garden debris, etc. with the leaves: such items cause equipment to breakdown.
Guidelines for bulk leaf piles:
- All leaves to be collected must be placed at the shoulder, off the road. Avoid raking leaves onto pavement, crosswalks, fire hydrants, decorative plantings, catch basins, or stormwater ditches, which could cause drainage issues during rain.
- Bags and rigid containers of leaves will not be collected. No exceptions!
- The leaf pile may extend the length of the property.
- Do not mix limbs, brush, and other debris in the leaf piles. This may result in damage to equipment and injuries to employees.
- Adverse weather conditions may cause delays on posted leaf collection dates.
- State regulations prohibit the collection of leaves mixed with regular trash.
- Township employees and equipment are not permitted to enter private property to remove leaves.
- Motorists should be cautious on local roads during leaf collection time.
Landscapers and Garden Services: It is illegal to dump loads of leaves on Township streets. Any contractor caught dumping leaves will be subject to a fine for illegal dumping on Township right-of-way.
Residents are encouraged to mulch and/or compost leaves.